Construction Safety Association of Manitoba
Practical Solutions for a Safer Workplace
What PPE is required on a construction site?
Protective headwear and safety footwear are mandatory requirements on any construction site in Manitoba. Additionally, other PPE may be required to protect a worker — common examples of likely additional requirements include safety eyewear, hi-vis vests, gloves, hearing protection, fall arrest, respirators, etc.
Can I wear shorts or go shirtless on a construction site?
Appropriate PPE includes clothing. Due to hazards on the jobsite, it is recommended that pants are worn to protect the worker form cuts and abrasions to their legs. Shirts should be worn to protect the worker from the sun’s UV Rays, and from other cuts or abrasions to the upper body.
Do we need a safety committee versus a site-specific committee?
An employer is required to establish a workplace safety and health (WSH) committee when there are 20 or more workers regularly employed. A prime contractor must establish a site-specific committee when there are 20 or more workers and the project is expected to last a minimum of 90 days.
Can I be both the supervisor and the safety rep on a job site?
Construction requires every employer to designate a worker safety and health representative (all other employers require five or more workers). This said, if you are the only worker representing your company on the jobsite, yes you can be both the supervisor and the worker safety and health representative. If there are two or more workers representing your company on the site, legislation states one must be the designated supervisor, and the other must be the worker safety representative.
What is the definition of a confined space?
A confined space is a space that has restricted access/egress, is partially or wholly covered, or is a room is not designed for human occupation other than the purposes of work. Before entering a confined space, workers should be trained appropriately.
What is the purpose of a tagout tag?
Tagout tags are used to visually identify (and document) that a tool or piece of equipment is defective and should not be used.
How often should we conduct formal inspections of a jobsite?
At minimum, an inspection should be completed prior to a safety committee meeting, or as the company safety and health policy dictates. An inspection should also be completed after an incident.
How often does a hazard assessment need to be completed?
A hazard assessment should be done prior to beginning work, on your first day on the job, and anytime you move jobs or tasks within your project. The intent is to meet your legislated obligations to identify, communicate, and control hazards. A company should have process(es) to ensure continued assessment of risks workers may face while completing their task(s).
How often should I hold toolbox talks on my site?
Section 44(3) of the WSH Act requires each employer with five or more workers at a construction site to provide safety education or toolbox talks every two weeks for 30 minutes. The generally accepted practice is to conduct weekly toolbox talks for 15 minutes. CSAM has a toolbox talk booklet with a variety of topics. You can also download samples on our Downloads page.
What does it mean to “deem someone competent?”
WSH legislation defines “competent” as possessing knowledge, experience, and training to perform a specific duty.
Does my training expire?
Workplaces safety and health (WSH) legislation specifies that first aid, flagperson, and forklift training expire after three years and that workers must receive annual WHMIS “refresher training” (ie: a toolbox talk, at minimum). Other training technically does not have an expiry date, however we recommend updating or refreshing training every three years to keep up to date with potential legislation changes.
What’s my company member ID?
For our records, CSAM assigns an ID number to each member company. This ID makes online registration more efficient, and will also allow you to access the online audit tool.
I’m not able to register for training online. What do I do?
If you’re having trouble registering online, call our office at 204-775-3171 in Winnipeg or 204-728-3456 in Brandon and we’d be happy to help.
If I am unable to attend a classroom training course is it possible to complete the course virtually online?
Yes, the majority of our classroom training courses are also available through our virtual, living training platform. To see courses currently available virtually please see our training schedule here.
Some of CSAM’s online courses require practical training. What does this mean?
This means the online course is a theory component only. Practical training allows the worker to verify their understanding of the theoretical components to a competent person. This may include a hands-on demonstration.
Can I train my employees internally?
Absolutely. A key legislative responsibility of ALL employers is to provide training to ALL workers (WSH Act 4.2, 4.4, 7.4(5)). The “ability to provide” can be done internally or externally by a competent person. Fall protection, aerial lift, safe work procedures, and job-specific tool training are some examples of training you can complete internally by a competent employee. NOTE: by law (22.28, 22.29, 22.30) ONLY the employer is allowed to issue a training certificate to workers for a power lift truck (forklifts).
I have quite a few employees that I would like to register for a course. Is it possible to arrange for a private course to be facilitated at our worksite?
Yes, we are able to deliver private training courses for employers. Please contact us at for more information and to submit your request.
I’ve taken safety training not with CSAM, does this count toward my NCSO® or NHSA™ designation?
Possibly, but it depends on the course and whether or not it matches the intent of the NCSO®/NHSA™ requirements. To find out, email us at to discuss specific courses. Any other information on these designations can be found on the NCSO® and NHSA™ webpages.
How often does WHMIS training need to be reviewed with employees?
When a worker is new to the workplace, or when new products or chemicals are brought into the workplace, the employer is responsible to ensure an understanding of the products used in the workplace and that appropriate WHMIS training is conducted. A refresher session should be held annually with all workers.
What is a safety program registration number?
Once someone from your company has completed the Principles of Safety Management training course, the company will be issued a registration number to verify that they are in progress to achieving COR®/SECOR® Certification. This is valid for 18 months and is a one-time issued number. This number may be used for tendering jobs during that 18-month timeline.
Can I submit my audit earlier than my audit date?
Yes, you can submit audits up to three months earlier than your audit date.
What is a registered auditor checklist (RAC) used for?
An RAC is used to ensure that all registered auditors are meeting the audit guidelines for submitted documentation.
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ResourcesLearn everything you need about construction safety in our online resource centre. |
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COR®See which companies have a fully implemented safety program and achieved COR® certification. |
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Have QuestionsGive us a shout and we’ll do our best to help you. |
1447 Waverley Street
Winnipeg, MB R3T 0P7
950 10th Street
Brandon MB R7A 6B5
Copyright Construction Safety Association of Manitoba© 2020