Thank you for your interest in the first annual "THE SAFETYS a celebration of workplace safety." At this time, registration is now closed.
THE SAFETYS is a brand-new gala event to celebrate Manitobans who are committed to making our workplaces healthier and safer and eight organizations have partnered to present several safety and health awards at this one signature event.
The Canadian Society of Safety Engineers MB (NAOSH Awards) , SAFE Work Manitoba, The Construction Safety Association of Manitoba, The Manitoba Farm Safety Program, Made Safe – Manufacturing, Manitoba Heavy Construction Association WORKSAFELY, The Motor Vehicle Safety Association of Manitoba, and RPM Trucking Industry Safety all invite you to be a part of this dynamic evening of food, fun, and inspiring stories about the positive impact our award winners are having on our communities.
THE SAFETYS is on Wednesday September 27, at the Victoria Inn on 1808 Wellington avenue in Winnipeg. Awards will be presented to individuals, groups, safety and health committees, and workplaces for their achievements in occupational health and safety.
Thank you to all our members for your support in creating a strong culture of safety and health at your workplace, in your industry and in the community.