
practical solutions
for a safer workplace

Safe Work Practices

Safe work practices are ways of controlling hazards and doing jobs with a minimum of risk to people and property.
Safe work practices are generalized statements of what you should or should not do in order to do a job or task safety. Safe work practices are a great topic for toolbox talks, as they serve as good reminders of the ‘right’ way to do things.

To reduce risks, an organization should have a number of generalized safe work practices. These must be developed to fit the particular company. Management must understand and fully endorse these safe work practices and ensure that:

  • Safe work practices are in writing
  • All employees understand the safe work practices that apply to them
  • All equipment and management support to permit compliance are available; and
  • Supervisors ensure that all safe work practices are followed.

Sample Safe Work Practices

NOTE: In the interest of maintaining a safe work environment for all employees, the CSAM membership has expressed their interest in acquiring the ability to share safety information with other companies. In response, the CSAM has created a large directory and will act as the ‘depository’ of safe job procedures; safe work practices and job hazard analysis received from member companies and associates.

Upon receipt and review of company supplied safe job procedures, the CSAM will provide free access to the entire directory for each company who provides information to be added. Any company who cannot provide information to the directory, may be eligible to purchase a subscription from the CSAM.

For more information, or to provide copies of procedures to the CSAM depository, please contact CSAM or email safety@constructionsafety.ca.

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