
practical solutions
for a safer workplace


Strong safety practices matter to YOUR business — safety saves time, money, and lives.

CSAM wants to work with YOU to reduce the number of workplace injuries in Manitoba. Less lost time means you can spend more time getting the job done and less money on fines, administration, and recovery.

Our team can help you identify hazards and then develop and implement safety policies and programs to deal with those hazards. We can also help you to make continuous improvements through services like toolbox talks, CSAM On Tour, and MSI assessments.


CSAM’s client services team offers a variety of services to help you build or improve your safety and health management system:

  • Developing and implementing a customized safety program.
  • Identifying potential hazards in the workplace.
  • Developing return to work programs.
  • Managing disability and claims.
  • Conducting COR® gap audits.
  • Assisting with sound monitoring.
  • Conducting workplace inspections.
  • Creating customized safety training.


CSAM’s client services team can work directly with you to build a program individually tailored to YOUR scope of work. Whether COR®/SECOR® Certification is the goal of your organization, or if you simply want to make improvements to your safety and health management system, our team will help develop a program that makes safety efficient and affordable for YOUR company.


Section 44(3) of the Workplace Safety and Health Act requires each employer with five or more workers at a construction site to provide safety education — or toolbox talks — for a period equal to every two weeks for 30 minutes OR every week for 15 minutes.

CSAM can help. Our advisors can come directly to YOUR jobsite to a deliver a toolbox talk specific to your scope of work.


An advisor in a hardhat and safety vest conducts a demonstration on eye protection, using sunglasses and a nail gun in a controlled environment.CSAM On Tour teaches workers best practices for some of the most common severe injuries in Manitoba. With CSAM On Tour, our advisors come to YOUR jobsite with four demos:

    • Safe lifting
    • Fall arrest
    • Eye protection
    • Hand safety

This demo can serve as a toolbox talk and provides practical improvements that reduce your workers’ risk of becoming injured.


Musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs) account for almost a quarter of all workplace injury claims in Manitoba’s construction sector. MSIs are sprain and strain injuries of the muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, joints, cartilage, or spinal discs.

MSIs can be caused by forceful exertions (such as heavy lifting), awkward sustained postures, and repetitive motions. While all three of these things may be required for tasks in construction work, there are often better ways to conduct work.

Workplace Safety and Health Regulation Part 8 requires employers to inform their workers of the possibility or known risk of an MSI occurring. Employers must also develop safe work procedures to reduce the risk of an MSI — and CSAM advisors can help.

CSAM uses new technology to get a digital scope of the work being performed and identify the MSI risks for those tasks. A report will be developed outlining the critical, medium, and low risk factors of that task with how the body is positioned. Your company can review this report, and together we can develop a strategy to complete the high-risk tasks in a safer way.

Following this assessment report, your CSAM advisor can also host a toolbox talk specific to your MSI assessment to recommend and demonstrate adaptations to reduce the risk of injury specific to the tasks on your jobsite.


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