
practical solutions
for a safer workplace

COR® Program

The Certificate of Recognition (COR®) Program is the ultimate accreditation to verify companies that have implemented a comprehensive safety and health program.

COR® is an occupational safety and health accreditation program that verifies a fully implemented safety and health management system which meets national standards. The objectives of COR® are to provide industry employers with effective tools to develop, implement, assess, and promote continual improvement of their safety and health management system to prevent or mitigate incidents and injuries as well as their associated human and financial costs.

COR® is nationally registered, trademarked and endorsed by the Canadian Federation of Construction Safety Associations (CFCSA) and is delivered through member associations that have a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to serve as the Authority Having Jurisdiction to grant COR® in their respective province/territory – CSAM serves as the Authority Having Jurisdiction to grant COR® in Manitoba.

The program is also is endorsed by:

Although COR® is the national standard, COR® Certification must be granted by the Authority Having Jurisdiction in each of the provinces/territories you work.

COR® Reciprocity can be granted to companies that are COR® Certified through a CFCSA member but do not have a permanent base of operations in the jurisdiction they are requesting reciprocity from. A straightforward process is available to companies that have achieved COR® and would like to request reciprocity in another jurisdiction.  Please see the COR® Equivalency/Reciprocity page for more details.

COR® qualifies for prevention rebate

COR® Certified employers are eligible to receive a 15 per cent rebate on their Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba (WCB) assessment premium, or for small employers, $3,000 (to a maximum of 75 per cent of their assessment premium), as part of the Prevention Rebate Program.

The Prevention Rebate Program is overseen by the preventative arm of WCB — SAFE Work Manitoba — through the provincial standard of their SAFE Work Certified Program. CSAM has a formal agreement with SAFE Work Manitoba as a certifying partner.

COR® Certification meets the SAFE Work Certified Program provincial standard.

Steps to achieving COR®

COR® Certification is achieved through the successful completion of three steps: completion of required training, implementation of your safety and health program, and verification by CSAM that the national COR® standards are met.

1. Required training
There are four required training modules which must be completed by a full-time employee (or employees) of your company.  These training modules provide your company with the information, resources, and ability to implement a safety and health management system (ie: safety program):

2. Implementation
Once equipped with the knowledge from our training courses, you will be required to develop and implement your safety program. As always, your CSAM team is available to guide and support you throughout this process.

3. Verification
Your safety program is audited annually to confirm the national COR® standards are met. The initial year of COR® Certification requires the successful submission of three audits:

    • Company self-audit
    • CSAM audit
    • Independent audit

The audit instrument is made up of 15 sections. Companies must achieve a minimum of 50 per cent in each section of the audit AND a minimum of 80 per cent overall to pass each audit.

Maintaining COR® Certification

COR® Certification is valid for a period not exceeding three years. It must be validated annually with a letter of good standing that verifies the training elements and auditing standards are maintained.

Years two and three of your COR® Certification require the submission of a successful company self audit by a registered auditor and a CSAM verification review.

Please visit our COR® and SECOR® Audit Requirements page to download a copy of CSAM’s COR® audit instrument. Alternatively, you can submit your audit using our Online Audit Tool.

COR® Certified Companies Meetings

COR® Certified Companies Meetings are explicitly tailored to our COR® and SECOR® companies to provide relevant industry, safety, and association information, including what CSAM is doing to service YOUR company better.

Next Meeting – October, 2024

We are eager to engage with our valued members and share important updates, insights, and collaborative opportunities. Your presence and participation in these meetings are highly appreciated.

If you have any questions or require additional information before the meeting, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Alternatively, you can email our COR® Program Manager Keith Steffano at keith@constructionsafety.ca

Catch up on our latest COR® Certified Companies Meeting via our YouTube channel:

Click here to view the presentation from the April 24th, 2024 COR® Certified Companies virtual meeting.

COR® Certified companies

To search alphabetically for COR® Certified Companies in Manitoba, visit our directory here.

Further information

For more information on any aspect of COR®, please contact Keith Steffano, COR® Program Manager, at 204-775-3171 or keith@constructionsafety.ca.

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